One of the best real estate tax rates in the country

La Floride offre une fiscalité unique qui, couplée aux avantages de l’immobilier américain, permet de bénéficier de rentabilités nettes très intéressantes. Attention tout de même aux répercussions fiscales dans votre pays de résidence. En France par exemple, une convention permet d’éviter une potentielle double imposition, mais les revenus doivent tout de même être déclarés et le patrimoine est pris en compte dans le calcul de certains impôts comme l’IFI.

No visa or permit is required to purchase and operate real estate in the United States. However, for several reasons specific to the needs of each investor, it may be worthwhile to consider the creation of an LLC or CORPORATION at the time of the purchase of a property in the USA.

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We assist our clients in all their tax optimization efforts, with a perfect knowledge of French and American tax laws and surrounded by the best accountants, CPAs, and tax lawyers in France and in the USA. Each tax situation is unique, beware of generic information. Contact us here for a personalized audit.

Investing through a company in the USA offers many tax advantages

  • La Floride ne possède pas d’impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques, et certains montages en société (comme la LLC) permettent de bénéficier d’une fiscalité sur les personnes (IR) tout en utilisant les avantages de protection juridique des sociétés
  • Comme en France certaines catégories de sociétés telles que la C Corp (ou INC) permettent d’être imposé au régime des sociétés (IS), en pratique cela équivaut à 21% (au niveau fédéral) + 5.5% de corporate tax (État de Floride)

In all cases, the company structure allows :

  • La déduction des charges réelles engagées dans le cadre de l’exploitation et de la gestion du bien immobilier : frais de gestion, assurances, travaux courants, frais de déplacement (billet d’avion), frais de séjour, intérêts bancaires, Property Tax, frais de jardinage, frais d’association, services publics, etc.
  • L’amortissement de manière linéaire sur 27,5 ans pour un bien de moins de 4 lots et sur 39 ans pour un bien de 5 lots ou plus d’une partie du prix de l’acquisition (80%) correspondant à la valeur du bâti


There are different ways to treat your real estate income in the US and in France. Several arrangements exist depending on your investment strategy (opacity, repatriation of monthly rents, financing from France, etc.). Depending on the structure you choose, the income may be considered as dividends or real estate income by the French tax authorities.

In all cases, the Franco-American tax treaty is interpreted as follows:

  • Real estate income derived from the rental of U.S. property is taxable in the United States (Section 6).
  • France reserves the right to include U.S. income in the calculation of the effective tax rate.
  • In order to avoid double taxation in the United States and France, Article 24 of the Convention grants a tax credit equal to the French tax (property income) or the U.S. tax (capital gains).

When the structure allows it (LLC in particular), the rental income from real estate located in the United States is exempt from tax in France (tax credit mechanism provided for in Article 24). However, the French tax authorities take into account the American income to calculate the French tax rate (progressive scale).

An important point: foreign rental income is not taken into account for the calculation of the CSG.


Lors de la revente du bien immobilier, la plus-value est imposable aux USA mais cette plus-value est prise en compte dans le calcul de l’impôt français lorsque le bénéficiaire est résident en France. Dans ce cas, le bénéficiaire a droit à un crédit d’impôt égal au montant de l’impôt payé aux USA.

The property tax (local taxes)

These taxes are levied as a percentage of the assessed value by thecounty appraiser. These taxes apply to both residents and non-residents. In the state of Florida, the average property tax is 1.8% of the value of the property.

This tax is deductible from your gross rent to calculate your taxable base. For more transparency, we integrate this tax in the calculation of our net returns.

Do you want a tailor-made bilateral tax audit?

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ATTENTION: The information included in this document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For a more complete and personalized assistance according to your situation, consult specialized accountants or tax lawyers, make your own investigations or contact us at
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